Monday, July 12, 2010

A Day In The Country

These pictures are from a few weeks ago when I was visiting my sister and her family. We have a friend that lives in the country outside of Nashville and everything about that day said summer.

We sat on the porch, sipped iced tea and enjoyed being together.

It was so hot we pulled out an old wash tub for my niece, Anna Claire to splash around in and cool off. Even with the blazing hot temperature, the water out of the hose was so cold it took her breath away every time it splashed her belly or back. There is nothing that can compare to watching a child do something new - to embrace life and the activities of it in every way. 

Of course, what would a summer day be without ice-cream?

Or enjoying the beauty that fills up the gardens come summertime...

But the best thing about that hot summer day was swinging on the old swing holding a hot, sweaty baby.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I loved seeing your photos and reading about your day in the country. That little one is adorable! I love those little hands; too cute!

    The berry and flower photos were beautiful too. God's creation is really awesome if we just stop and take notice.



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