Monday, January 17, 2011

Counting Them One By One

My gratitude list is about the gifts God is giving just to me. They all around me and yet, I can let them slip so easily by. Do I really see Him in everything and everyone around me? Do I embrace, cherish and let them leave a mark on me?  Could my heart beat with His to see and know His handprint and activity throughout my day?

And so, I begin my list. Not just another ordinary list, but one that is going to matter. 1000 gifts I am going to begin jotting down that make an imprint upon my heart.  A list of the grace, love, and affection given to me from the One who was the greatest gift of all.  A list of finding Him in all things...

1. cold, winter breezes that take your breath away
2. a text from my youngest son saying, "I love you, Momma."
3. new opportunities
4. glimpses of the young woman my daughter is becoming
5. the gentle touch of my husband's hand upon my back as he walks by me as I sit at the computer.
6. Sunday afternoon naps
7. days off from school
8. football games, pizza, and playing cards with friends
9. beginning a new bible study (Jonah - Navigating A Life Interrupted)
10. the peace that comes in waiting

I am only one of many, many others who are counting their gifts one-by-one. 
Would you care to join me?  You will be so thankful you did. 

1 comment:

  1. beautiful..beautiful list!!!

    It's so important to make an effort to really blessed we truly are!


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