Sunday, July 18, 2010

Dear Sam,

Today we are celebrating your 14th birthday ... we are celebrating you.

When I reach for your hand as we pray, it is a big and strong hand that now holds mine. The day has come too, where I am looking you in the eyes and I know they will be very short lived because one day very soon, you will be towering over me.

It is my prayer that as you journey through this next year, you continue to follow and pursue those passions God has placed within you. He created you for a purpose and you, my dear Sam, have a destiny all your own - one that He has orchestrated since the beginning of time. Dream big because you know God is big.

I pray that your love for Jesus guides everything you do. I pray that you will never be afraid to boldly share your faith and that others see Him in you.

I pray that you will have a love for His Word and that you seek the deep things of God.

I pray that you know the truth that His strength is made perfect in your weakness and that every gift and talent you have is from the Lord above.

I pray that you always know that you are loved so very much by your Father in Heaven and He will never, ever fail you.

Live everyday knowing that you are a soldier for Jesus Christ.

Happy Birthday, Sam. We love you...


  1. 14? Already? Samuel, we hope and pray for the same things--enjoy your birthday! We are celebrating you in Tennessee today!

  2. Your son has a beautiful smile with PERFECT teeth. :) You are a wonderful mom to write things. It inspires me to hold my son's hands when I pray with him. I usually put my hand on his head. Thank you. XOXOX, cat


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