
Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Humble Servant...

I am so enjoying myself during this little respite from my blog. I didn't realize how much time I was spending on the computer until the last few days not being on the computer. It's been a good thing. I did want to share this post that was written yesterday. A lot of the time my postings are what I would be writing in my journal. So is the case for this one. Be back in a few days...

Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be a slave to all. ~Mark 10:43-44

This was the portion of scripture I was reading this morning. When you look back to the beginning of verse 43 it says , "Not so with you. Instead"... and then the verse continues. What strikes me about this is the fact that Jesus is overturning what would be common and typical. What our human nature really is - selfish and prideful.

Instead, our lives are to be marked as a disciple. One that models humble and loving service. Let me honest in telling you that this isn't always my first response to those around me. My heart isn't always willing to serve, or to be humble. Whether it's the people I encounter, people in need around me, or my family. I could even go so far as to say I'm not always coming to the Lord with a humble, teachable, and servant-like heart.

There are definitely areas in my life where I show immaturity and the servant mentality has a hard time getting through to me. Having a servant like heart means giving up what I want or what I think I need. Having a servant heart means I am going to the places that God has called me to. Answering His call. For me personally, it could be a range of places. Whether He is asking me to serve in a particular area of ministry, putting someone's needs above my own, making myself available, or doing those things that truly are serving my husband and family. In actions and words. Am I willing? Am I displaying a heart of a servant before my Lord? Do I come to Him with a heart that is moldable, teachable, and willing? A heart that desires His ways instead of my own?

My prayer is that God would teach me to do whatever it is He is asking. I want my humanity to be cloaked in humility. Experiencing His full measure of blessings in my life because I have completely given myself to Him so that He can use me however He sees fit. Coming to Him as just a sinner saved by grace. Coming to Him knowing and believing that He can and will work through me and in me to make me be a reflection of His love, grace, compassion, and mercy. Simply coming to Him as a servant with a humble heart.

When I sip from the cup of His suffering, and really understand what He did on the cross for me, I fall to my knees. My heart no longer is asking Him to do something for me. It is what can I do for You. Teach me Lord, show me how to be your servant. I believe Him enough to know He can and will equip me. He changes my heart to be one that isn't focused on me, but others. It is a heart that is focused on Him.

"Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave to all. "
(Mark 10:43-44)

"For the LORD takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with salvation."
(Psalm 149:4)


  1. I have realized that my time has been on the computer a lot..I have slowed down too! Great posting today!

    -sandy toes

  2. WOW...from the sounds of things..God is speaking to you..during your time away.

    Great post friend!!! :-)

  3. Great post. Straight to the heart. xoxo Ang

  4. beautiful thoughts of devotion. It really is all about Him. He IS the only thing worth walking toward.

  5. Enjoy your time away, it will always be here when you come back.

  6. Thank you for sharing with us. I always enjoy reading your posts - they speak truth!

  7. What an awesome post. We were talking about this in bible study today.... about not striving to be comfortable but doing what God is calling us to do. To everyone He has placed around us.

    Enjoy many more wonderful times with Him as you continue your blog break. Looking forward to your return!

  8. Thankful for you, for grace and humility!

  9. So well said. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your break. We'll see you soon. Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. So glad you are enjoying your time and that God is blessing you...I love the new photo at the top of your pretty!


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