Saturday, November 03, 2012

Day 3 - Joy Dare

My counting continues...

#264... the NIGHTSTAND beside the bed that belonged to my grandfather, whom we called Pa. I love the familiar clinking sound the handle makes as it opens and closes.

#265... morning NAPS taken by a tired husband.

#266... pretty and fun NAIL POLISH!

Enjoy your weekend and keep counting and giving thanks!

Friday, November 02, 2012

Day 2 - Joy Dare

Today I set out to find and be thankful for three gifts worn. While it was easy for me to come up with some very obvious things that are worn that I'm grateful for, I wanted to be thoughtful and really have a heart of thanks for perhaps things I overlook, take for granted or perhaps I may not even recognize it initially as a gift.

So my list continues...

Can I count the wrinkles that have slowly made their appearance around my eyes? I've heard other women say they accept them as years well lived. The evidence of all the laughter that has taken place over a period of time. To be honest, I was not happy or accepting of the changes I saw in the mirror. There was a change in my heart today because I saw those marks of age differently. The 42 years I've lived have been covered with God's protection, provision, love and grace. Each and every day I take a breath I can only hope that it's a day well lived; a day in which I make the moments count. So, I accept the wrinkles that I now have and the ones that will come as time goes on.

The next gift worn is my riding clothes. I have been given the most incredible opportunity to ride and care for a couple of horses. As a little girl I had the dream of owning my very own horse. Every birthday that came, I was convinced that my Nana and Pa were going to surprise me with making this dream come true. As a teenager I took riding lessons for a short time, but it was not a sport or hobby that I was able to pursue. Then, a couple years ago, a friend of mine who owned a horse, took me on as her student. Because of busy schedules, cold and snowy winters, and then our move to Alabama, my riding came to a stop. Never in my wildest dreams would I have known that I would be around horses the way I am now. Because of friends that have known my love and passion for horses and riding, they have allowed me to ride and be with their horses. It's a gift that in which I have found myself in tears walking to or from the pasture with horse in hand knowing that He knows the desires of our hearts. The things that bring us joy and fuel our passions.

And for the third gift worn. I am a woman who is clothed in strength and dignity. For a little more about this, go here.  I want to be a woman who wears these garments effectively and beautifully - the way God intended for me to wear them. God knew what my journey of womanhood would be like. Because of His great love for me, He clothes me with qualities I need as a woman. For that, I am thankful and count them as gifts.

Follow along with me and many others that are taking The Joy Dare and counting gifts one by one.

The Joy Dare

Many months have passed since my last post. The days that have flown by so quickly have been filled with good and needed changes, laughter, perseverance, trusting, tears, making memories, fun, and most of all, knowing God's faithfulness.

My heart has been stirring within to return to some of the things I have been neglecting and giving attention to- one being writing here on my blog.

Because I know that there are things that occupy much of my time, I thought I would start back again with something doable, attainable and fun.

So, I begin this month in which thankfulness is celebrated with taking the Joy Dare. For the next 30 days, I will be on the lookout, receive, and journal God's gifts to me.

Day 1 began with 3 gifts eaten. For dinner I went old school, comfort food... Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes and Peas and Carrots. While the gift of nourishment and enjoyment of good food is something to take to heart, the gift I soaked in deepest was
knowing I was sitting around the table with the ones I love most.