Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Settling In...

Well, it is the 3rd day of school and let me just say that it has been very quiet here in our home with the boys being gone during the day. Funny how boys can make so much noise no matter what they are doing. I've caught myself noticing the quiet throughout the day and I have to say that there is definitely part of me that misses the noise.

Sam, being the routine oriented kind of guy he is, has been very happy to get back into the school schedule again. I've heard him say how excited he is about this year and to hear Sam say that he is excited about something other than anything military or history related is a pretty big deal. I think it just might be due to the fact that three of his teachers are men and they have the reputation of being "cool and fun".

I think that Ben is still kind of trying to figure things out with it being his first year at the middle school. I have found him going over his schedule and map and wanting to talk everything through about what he needs to do. When should he go to his locker? What books should he bring with him, and what if I am late to class? He also informed me this morning that school is boring. Yes, these first few days are kind of boring with going over classroom rules and practicing fire and tornado drills but I know that fun is just around the corner.

I am trying to get settled into my routine once again here at home as well. It's time to be doing all those "domestic" duties on a regular basis again now that the days of summer are over. Having a day set aside to do my grocery shopping instead of all the quick runs I've made here and there throughout the summer. Getting the laundry started in the morning instead of at 9:00 at night. I can also get into cleaning the house on a weekly basis again instead of doing it before we are expecting company. I am spilling all my secrets now aren't I?

I've really struggled this summer with having time alone with God. There are times when I just really need peace and quiet and that just didn't happen too much this summer. I'm looking forward to some quiet days where I can just sit and rest awhile in His presence.

"Be still and know that I am God."
Psalm 46:10

Monday, August 24, 2009

Good Night...

I just got the boys tucked in for the night and I am about ready to lay my head upon my pillow as well. Our oldest son could hardly wait to go to bed because for him it means morning will come sooner and he can be off for his first day of school as an 7th grader. The other though is fighting going to bed because it's his first day of middle school and he is feeling somewhat unsure and nervous. The older brother is reassuring him that everything is okay and that 6th graders really don't get stuffed into lockers.

I'm looking forward to this upcoming school year. I'm ready to settle down into a routine again even though for the next couple of months it is going to be busy with Sam running cross country and Ben playing in a fall baseball league. It won't be long before we are sending Jessica off as well and with that I know will come all of us adjusting to her not being here. What I know and believe is that God will again show His faithfulness, provision and care. He is ever so good. Tonight I know that to be true.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

To My Readers...

At this time, I am going to go "private" with my blog. 

I value you as a reader and a follower of Between Here and Home and want to continue sharing my heart, life, and family with you. If you would like to continue reading on a private level, please email me (you can link to my email from viewing my complete profile on right sidebar) your blog address and email and I will send you a link for you to continue following. I will keep this post up for a couple of days for you to respond if you would like.

Thank you again for reading and look forward to hearing from you. 

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Extreme Home Makeover...

Things are back to normal once again here in my hometown after a week of Extreme Makeover Home Edition being here to give a very deserving family a new home. It has been one of the neatest experiences seeing our community coming together in support of this family. I am very proud to call Beavercreek, Ohio my home. 

Many local businesses and churches were involved in supporting this huge effort. Our church (where my husband is on staff) was even used for the interviews with Ty and his crew, as well as the family. We had the privilege of meeting, Andrew, who is one of the locations managers. He gave our family passes to use for the week so that we could walk around the set and pretty much get a front row seat of everything that took place. This was such an extraordinary experience... one that we will always remember.

Here are just a few highlights from the week...

Day 1 - Demolition Day and Ty coming in with his crew...

Sam and Ben enjoyed watching all the heavy construction throughout the week...

My friend Carrie...

The house is coming along...

The day before "The Reveal", Kelli Pickler (who also a part of the makeover) had a concert in front of the house... 

I think the concert was Jessica's favorite part of the week...

The evening before the family comes home...

Welcome Home Terpenning Family...

photo from Dayton Daily News